Upgrades from Instagram: a summary from the last news

Instagram news is released so fast and in such a short time, it is even difficult to keep up with all this information. At the end of 2017 we made a summary of the updates of that year And now, with the new improvements, we could not keep you away from what is happening on the platform since the beginning of 2018.

We'll show you what's coming up again, what's still expected to come out, and what you can take advantage of to get the most out of new Instagram features in your business .

ATTENTION As most of the changes were directed to Tales , let's divide this publication into three parts, one for general news, another for news directed only to Tales and finally, future and possible updates.

Part I: what is already happening

Part II - What is already happening in the stories

Part III - What's to Come

Here we go?

What is already happening

Hashtag and mention in biography

Released in March, this update allows the user to enter hashtags and mention other profiles in your description. Before, it was only possible to have a single clickable link in the biography if it was inserted in the space intended for the website, remember? The news works the same as when we mention an @ or # in the comments, as shown in the following gif:

With this, the profiles gain greater visibility, since they also appear in the hashtag searches on the platform . Not to mention that being able to mention another user in the bio can make it easier when you have other accounts linked to your brand or personal profile. This way, your followers can find all your profiles in one place.

Data download

One day you post a photo on Instagram and accidentally delete it from your gallery. Drama setup: how to have that "backup" photo on your phone if you can't download the photos already posted on feed ? Your problems will be over!

Initially launched Web Instagram, the application creates a file with its profile data and send you a link to download your registered email address. The estimated time is up to 48 hours to receive the file with your photos, videos, comments, likes and profile information. Little by little the news is distributed to Android and iOS .

Check out the tutorial:

Visit the Instagram site and log in.

Click on the settings icon, the “gear” button .

Then click on Privacy and Security .

On the next tab, scroll down the sidebar and click Data Download

Then just check the email and click Forward .

Product brand

This feature had already been launched at the end of 2017 in association with Shopify , but only for US users, until March of this year, Instagram decided to spread the news to other countries. In Brazil, the first online store to use the feature was Amaro Fashion . After that, You can Purchase Instagram Followers Uk you can promote your profile and business. With news, it is easier to promote a good customer experience, since the user can complete a purchase (or several) without leaving the platform.

API changes

The abbreviation of the English term "Application Programming Interface " (Application Programming Interface), refers to how the platform connects to a particular application.

Bottom line: after the events related to Facebook security holes, the old API has been disabled. In other words, the "portal" has been closed for third-party applications to connect to Instagram. Applications that require authorization from the new API to gain access to an Instagram user profile will now be blocked.  All this so that the user's information is as secure as possible.

Security measures, friends! ðŸ˜Œ

Call to action

Do you really think the biggest news of recent times on Instagram was the product tagging feature? So sit back and there's more! Apparently the platform is actually moving to become a social network (can we call it that?). electronic commerce .

Therefore, the latest news available allows you to make payments within the application. You can reserve tables at restaurants, schedule lounge appointments, and then buy movie tickets.

But calm down, only call-to-action buttons have been released for a few establishments. Instagram members like the famous Fila 34 restaurant . Which does not stop rolling out to the entire user base soon, as happened with the I nstagram Shopping feature .

Cool right?

Offensive comment filters

Hello haters ! You will no longer be able to act freely!

We already knew this news , but had no idea when it would be released until this week. The algorithm that already filters spam , now focuses on identifying offensive or inappropriate comments ( intimidation ) and automatically removing them from photos posted on feed .

The platform was already filtering keywords with bad words, but has decided to go further with this update and will use artificial intelligence to make the new functionality effective.


With the aim of integrating the consumer with the Business profiles, now the Manager of people who do not follow your Business profile no longer appears as "Pending requests". This detail made communication between the client and the brand difficult, since many profiles did not verify the pending mail folder and let several conversations pass.

With the new update, all messages are on the same home page and are filtered by a bar at the top with the following options: Inbox, Unread, Featured. The latter are even messages that can be marked with a side star (literally) to favor Direct.

How to Promote your Brand

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