Answers fast of Instagram: what are and how use them


As the Instagram community has grown rapidly in recent years, some actions that were simple and punctual have become increasingly frequent and therefore more difficult to handle, for example, responses to messages sent directly.  Nowadays, when 80% of Instagram accounts follow at least one company like, the flow of DM in business profiles has increased a lot .

But Instagram always keeps an eye on the needs that arise with the use of the platform and has already solved the problem: one of the latest updates to the network was the Quick Replies feature, which allows you to reply to DMs with just one click. Want to learn more about them and how to use them in your Instagram Marketing strategy? So keep reading this text!

What are Instagram Quick Replies?

Instagram Quick Replies are ready-made messages that you can save to use when replying to someone in DMs. Each message is saved with a shortcut, to facilitate the search and avoid confusion when using.

The new feature has been implemented to reduce the work time of those who have to deal with many DMs on a daily basis. Since this is a common job for anyone with a business account, you must have a Business Profile to enable the feature.

It is important to remember that quick responses are not automations, that is, they are not automatically sent messages in bulk. For it to be sent, the user must select it manually. This is because Instagram is against any type of automated action that can generate spam on the network.

Using Instagram Quick Replies

To get started with Instagram Quick Replies, you need to create at least one ready message. To do this, go to your profile settings and scroll down to Quick Replies in your business settings.

Click or New Quick Reply to set up your first message. What's in Message This is all the text that will appear to the client. Already in Shortcut , you must choose a word or term that identifies that answer, so that it is easier to find someone who will answer. And rest assured: whatever is in Shortcut Only visible to you.

To get started with quick responses, click on the messaging icon below each conversation. Then take a look at the shortcuts and choose the quick answer you want. Now just click Submit !

Why use quick responses on your business profile?

Do you know that resource that only comes to help and improve our lives? Quick responses are an example of this. Here are the reasons why you should finish reading this text and set up your own:

1. Increase productivity

Time is money. And if there is something that takes us time, it is the task of responding to customers. Have you ever thought that most of the DMs you get every day are the same questions written in different ways?

Yes! Using quick answers will save you from having to answer all of these “repeated” questions manually. And do you know what that means? More time to produce content! So if there is a way to make answering DMs easier, faster and easier, why not use them? ðŸ™‚

2. Improve communication with customers.

We always want to respond to the customer the best we can. That is why we often understand that we will not be able to give it our full attention at that moment and end up leaving this service for later, when we are more “free”.

Spoiler : We are never free and the customer spends more than 24 hours to receive a response. In this case, you better have your answers ready to provide the necessary support you need at that time.

Plus, it eliminates the risk of typing the wrong thing in a hurry or forgetting to mention important information, which is extremely common when we reply one by one.

3. Don't lose more customers

A customer who has waited more than 24 hours for a response from you may try to find a solution to their problem elsewhere. And you don't want to miss a sale because you stopped responding to a DM on Instagram, right?

By supporting customers with agility, you can even differentiate yourself from your competitors and increase your sales potential. ðŸ˜‰

4. Say goodbye to automations!

We know that there are still many features within Instagram to solve all the needs of those who sell within the platform. Because of this, many apps now offer these features outside of Instagram. And that is what happened with automatically sent messages.

With the new quick reply feature, no one has to risk unknown alternatives that are not trusted or safe like Instagram. Best of all, you still save money! Perfect right?

5. General quick answers for your business profile

Each type of business should have its own quick responses that fit the needs of the company or brand. Anyway, there are some more general answers that end up serving everyone.

We will give you these tips based on Postgrain and how we communicate with users. Based on this, you can tailor these messages in ways that make sense for your business, match your language and the type of communication you use. Let's go there:

6. Buy cheap Instagram followers to grow your business

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